Tel:: 616.326.712 - 667.728.794 - 948.542.140

Casa Garayalde I y II 

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Environment´s information

In the middle between the Natural Park of Urbasa-Andía and the Reservoir of Alloz is Azcona so, the traveller will have many tourist attractions to enjoy. Likewise we recommend to see the monastery of Iranzu, 3 kms from Abárzuza. Likewise, owing to the proximity to Camino de Santiago, the closest track to run, by car or walking is that one which links Estella with the octogonal hermitage of Santa María de Eunate that is very close to Puente la Reina. You also can go from Estella towards the Southeast, stop to see the monastery of Irache, the parishes of Los Arcos and Viana, as well as the octogonal church of Santo Sepulcro in Torres del Río. Besides, Tierra Estella has a rich and varied gastronomy.


The parish keeps three tracks of the nave in proto gothic style, of the beginning of the XIII century, as well as the façade which also has a monogram of Christ; the high chorus is from the XIV century, and the cruise with the polygonal head is from the middle of the XVI century, besides, it has a baroque arcade of the XVIII century and Romanesque altarpiece. The hermitage of Saint Catalina, next to the huts of Ciriza, is of a good rural Romanesque, of the beginning of the XIII century. On the other hand, there are many civil buildings from the XVI century, some of them with shields, being thee most interesting the Baroque palace (XVII century) which was armony. The village has a fronton, playground, camping and a wine cellar. The basilica of Mendigaña located in the high part of the urban core is also worthy to see.


Monastery of Iranzu and its surrounding in the nature, Swamp of Alloz, Estella-Lizarra highlighting its old town, birth of Urederra, Riezu with birth and in the highest point of the mountain chain of Andia, Hermitage of the Trinity, Urbasa…


Horse riding in Upper Muru, sailing activities in the Swamp Alloz (Lerate). Walks in the area indicated.


Nacedero del río Urederra
El manantial donde nace el río Urederra es de ensueño escondido a los pies de las murallas de piedra caliza de la sierra de Urbasa, el símbolo de los bosques navarros . Toda una una auténtica maravil...
Santuario San Miguel de Aralar
Constituye uno de los centros de espiritualidad más conocidos de Navarra. Es un templo románico con tres naves y tres ábsides localizado en lo alto de la sierra de Aralar, desde donde se divisa una pa...
Pico Txindoki
Visible desde muchos los puntos del País Vasco, es el referente de la sierra de Aralar. Su alfilado pico de caliza y su arista, emblemática resulta para los alpinistas y amantes de la escalada.
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